


It might surprise you that tuition alone does not fund the college experience.  OBU的年度基金在降低学费方面发挥着关键作用. It makes up the difference between the total cost of educating the student and what the student actually pays.
这是我们的校友, friends and OBU family directly impact the lives of our students by bridging the gap and providing the foundation that supports the academic, 社会, 以及野牛山的精神成长.  年度基金满足奖学金的需要, 教室需要, 以及提高学生体验的日常需求. 
Your participation and support in this vital avenue of giving adds tremendous value to our students’ college journey.


奖学金:捐赠奖学金需要至少10,000美元的语料库. 语料库的收入提供年度奖学金. 奖学金 can be awarded based on a variety of factors (academic disciplines, 地理区域, 财务需要, 等.)

讲师职位:讲师职位是临时任命, 通常在访问牛津大学期间授予访问学者或演讲者. 指定讲师所需的捐款是5万美元. 这些讲座可以涉及某些学科, 主题或其他领域的学术思想/讨论.

Professorship: The endowed professorship is a partially-funded post which is awarded to a professor who is prominent in his or her field, 优秀的老师, and one who has demonstrated exceptional ability in the selected academic discipline. The endowed academic professorship can be endowed for $250,000 and named for or by the donor. 捐赠将用于提高工资, 好处, 还有一些费用, 比如旅行, 研究, 或秘书助理.

Chair: The endowed chair is similar to the endowed professorship in terms of the assistance provided, 除了这是最高的资助职位. The faculty member holding this position is considered to be one of the most distinguished faculty members on the University campus. 这个职位可以捐赠50万美元.


Did you know that using appreciated securities to make your gift delivers more tax 好处 to you than using cash? 用有价值的证券作为礼物. A $5,000现金礼物和5美元礼物,000美元的增值证券都会产生相同的慈善扣除. 但如果你用公开交易的股票或债券来做礼物, you will receive an additional tax benefit: the IRS allows you to make your transfer to 俄克拉何马浸会大学 without recognizing capital gains on the appreciation. You can thus leverage a larger donation than you could make with cash -- and receive a larger tax deduction -- by "buying low and giving high." Your gift of securities is valued as of the day it reaches our account if your broker transfers them electronically, 或者是邮戳日期,如果你邮寄股票的话. Your gift value is the average of the high and the low prices for the securities on that date.

Did you know that appreciated assets may bring more benefit to us than to you? 用赞赏的资产作为礼物. Stocks and bonds are not the only forms of appreciated property that receive favorable tax treatment when they are donated to 俄克拉何马浸会大学. 美国国税局也允许捐赠升值的房地产, 商业利益, and artwork to contribute them and receive a deduction based on their full market value. These gifts do raise more tax and acceptance issues than contributions of publicly-traded securities, and we ask our friends who may be considering such a gift to contact our office first.


俄克拉何马浸会大学 is happy to consider gifts of both residential and commercial real estate. 我们感激地与财务人员一起审查每一份报价, who evaluate the condition and marketability of all proposed acquisitions of property and have the final say on acceptance. Real estate may be given to us outright or be used to fund a life-income gift such as a unitrust. It may also be transferred through a part-sale/part-gift arrangement (a charitable bargain sale), or a donor may give her home to us and reserve the right to continue to live there (a retained life estate).


You can give 俄克拉何马浸会大学 investment partnership shares or closely-held stock, 作为直接转让或资助终身收入的礼物. 这样的礼物应该首先由你的法律和税务顾问仔细审查, 在我们继续之前我们也会进行评估.


俄克拉何马浸会大学接受赠书, artwork and collectibles that meet these requirements: (1) The donated pieces must be related to our mission, (2)你必须获得对这些作品的估价, conducted by an independent appraiser who was not originally involved in selling the pieces to you. 我们可以协助您按照国税局要求的程序进行评估.


The balance remaining in your retirement account after your death is subject to double taxation if it passes to your heirs: it's taxed both as income and as an estate asset. 结果? 超过75%的账户价值可能用于纳税. 把你账上的余款转给我们是更好的办法, 然后用其他资产作为礼物送给你的家人. 新规定简化了指定慈善机构为受益人的程序, 我们已经准备好帮你准备这份礼物了.


You may be holding a book collection or some artwork that you no longer wish to maintain. 然而,你知道这些资产可以给我们带来真正的利益吗? There are particular IRS requirements to meet before you can deduct a gift of appreciated assets. And, we will review each gift proposal carefully to make sure that we can put the asset to good use.


一个伙伴关系, 对生意的兴趣, 股份:少数人持有的股票, 或有限合伙企业的股份可能都对OBU有价值. 我们将审查提议的礼物, 如果我们同意, 我们将与您和您的顾问合作,使转账变得简单.



A significant outright gift to OBU will allow us to meet immediate objectives. 反过来, 它会给你最大的税收优惠, 如果你是在高收入的年份,哪一个特别有吸引力. 它也可以是最简单的礼物.

然而, 你可能更愿意留下你的资产和现金流,直到你死, 用你的遗产来做礼物. 即使我们不能立即使用这个礼物, it will be critically important to our long-term financial strength and help ensure our ability to meet the opportunities and challenges the future will present us.

要用你的财产做礼物,你可以使用遗嘱或可撤销信托. You may also use life insurance or the balance remaining in your retirement plan. 这些礼物可以帮助你保持你一生的财务规划灵活, 尽管他们只提供有限的所得税优惠. 你将需要专业的帮助来建立大多数遗产计划礼物.


你给OBU的礼物不一定要直接送出, because we offer options for plans that will provide you income in return for your contribution. 你可以获得固定收入或可变收入, 按你的一生或一段时间付款, 将收入直接分配给受益人,而不是你自己. In essence, you make a contribution to us, yet retain 好处 from what you contributed.

Your charitable deduction is based on the full market value of the assets you gave, 减去你保留的收益利息的现值. 收入支出越高,扣除额越低. These flexible, creative gifts address a variety of your planning objectives.

为酸, the return of income allows you to consider a more substantial gift to us than you might be able to afford in an outright format. Even though we cannot use these gifts until the death of the last income beneficiary, they give us long-term financial strength that will sustain us in the future.