

俄克拉何马浸会大学是一所建立在基督教原则和教义基础上的机构,其主要目的是在传统艺术和科学以及其他学科中开展教育项目,旨在为学生在各种职业中提供有效的领导和服务. The mission finds expression through a strong liberal arts core curriculum which supports degree programs designed to prepare students for careers and graduate study; through activities planned to stimulate spiritual, 知识, 社会, 文化, and physical development; and through an environment that reflects the application of Christian principles and teachings. OBU通过董事会运作. OBU以与执行大使命的目的一致的方式从事教育任务(马太福音28:18-20)。. 为达致其宗旨,大学订定了若干目标,其中包括:

  • To be a Christian learning community where faith and knowledge contribute to the individual's awareness: of himself and his obligations within a diverse and interrelated society; of truth and its force; of the joy of discovery and the beauty of existence; and of the legacy of the past, 当前的挑战, 以及对未来的承诺.
  • 培养基督教团体,强调个人自由和尊严、互相友爱、尊重和关心他人的浸信会原则.
  • 鼓励一种学习氛围,在这种氛围中,学生可以在寻求真理的过程中养成批判性思维的终身习惯.
  • 识别和交流知识, 经验, 以及构成人类文化遗产的价值观.
  • To provide opportunities for the student to engage in a serious study of the Bible and to learn the philosophy and tenets of the Judeo-Christian heritage; to instill an awareness of and an appreciation for the distinctive Baptist contribution to Christian theology and for the values inherent in the Christian faith; to encourage Christian commitment.
  • 培养对人类社会需要的认识,以及在积极的服务生活中每个人的责任.
  • 提供基础广泛的文科教育和相互支持的专业培训.
  • 提供机会去探索所有学术努力与基督徒生活的相关性.
  • 使人事, 机构提供的服务和设施,以满足适当的教育, 文化, 以及几个选区的宗教需求.
  • 为浸信会选民服务,发展有见地的教育, 开明的, 敏感的领导.